The company Industrial Process Solutions, LLC (IPS) is a mechanical contractor offering expertise in fabricating and troubleshooting sanitary process piping applications.
Alan Jimenez, Engineer welder and owner of the company Industrial Process Solutions, LLC, has kindly accepted to talk about the company’s needs and his experience with AXXAIR.
Left to right : Elahnn, Pascal (Service technician and Service Manager at AXXAIR USA), Alan and his son (Owner and operator at IPS)
What challenge did IPS face?
Consultant and contractors for process piping fabrication, the company IPS operates in the Food & Beverage as well as Personal Care products market.
These markets require quality, consistency of welds and prevent contamination in the process tubing line. Welds need to be flush and made with repeatable quality.
When it is welded by hand it is not consistent and a manual welder cannot record programs.
“On the field, part of my job is to check the quality by pigging the pipeline. A Pig is a device that goes in the pipeline to clean the pipe but can also be used to detect any leaks or manufacturing issues such as bad welds. Some products such as sunscreen, toothpaste … are hard to clean and if a weld is not flush the product can get stuck in the joint.”
What solution for repeatable perfect quality welds ?
Let's take a look back at the company’s situation before using orbital solutions.
Before they knew about Axxair, they were using a saw block and a band saw to cut and the welding was made by hand. Sometimes, they hired welders but they couldn’t always provide a good level of quality and it was hard to find people for this particular type of jobs.
The main reasons that led Alan to look for orbital equipment were because he needed to achieve a higher level of weld quality. And making it repeatable on many joints.
So, how did they learn about AXXAIR?
Alan saw the machine on-site once being rented by another contractor.
“The design and ease of use made me choose AXXAIR over other brands.
I chose orbital cutting and Closed Head welding machines.”
The company has therefore chosen the following orbital solutions:
- a CC122 orbital cutting machine (0.25” to 4.5” OD)
- an orbital TIG welding power source SAXX-200
- an SATFX-115 welding Closed head (0.5” to 4.5” OD)
The choice of AXXAIR for orbital equipment
“I found the first use very easy!
I glanced at the User manual and from there was able to set up the machine and get my first weld in a few minutes after opening the box”
The obtained results: an increased productivity
The company Industrial Process Solutions, LLC (IPS) has seen its productivity increase:
“I was able to increase my productivity by at least 40% thanks to the repeatability!
I am now more able to bid for new projects and offer my customers higher quality and faster welds, making it more competitive for them as well.
The traceability offered by the machine enables us to qualify and quantify the workload for future projects. Enabling me to offer my customers more competitive prices and more accurate lead-time. Thanks to this equipment I am better able to plan and calculate my ROI.”
To give a concrete example, one of the first jobs right after receiving the machine, was completed in 10 minutes instead of the usual 30 minutes to make 5 welds on sanitary stainless steel pipes.
The company was also able to save on argon due to a faster and more productive installation.
What do they think about Axxair?
“The closed head is the best on the market in my opinion. With nice features, being really easy to handle in tight space, high quality made and robust. And it has some nice unique options such as the Cassette.”
Concerning the service (advice, training...), Alan Jimenez would describe it as very good service.
“The people seem to be really hands-on and qualified.
This makes it easy to get started with the equipment.”
What about the company’s future?
We asked Alan Jimenez if the orbital process is going to take an important place in the company in the future.
“Yes, I am pretty sure that I didn’t get some projects before because I didn’t have the orbital welding system. And now that I have one it will open new doors for my company and help me to better serve my customers.”
We thank Alan Jimenez and his team for their testimony
and the trust they place in us!
We wish them a successful use of our machines!
The company Industrial Process Solutions, LLC (IPS) is a mechanical contractor offering expertise in fabricating and troubleshooting sanitary process piping applications.