The research and development centre of AXXAIR has always addressed the research activities in order to provide you with an easy to use equipment, combined with high productivity standards and security levels. The quest of efficiency and perfection guides us every day.
Discover the 4 main reasons which will make your decision for the choice of an AXXAIR orbital cutting system:
The orbital cutting machines from AXXAIR are equipped with a concentric clamping device
Conversely to clamping equipment using a vice, the concentric clamping is delicate and strong at the same time. This device is equipped with 3 to 16 jaws according to the diameters of the tubes that have to be cut and then welded with orbital equipment. Generally, the stainless steel tube have a thickness of maximum 3 mm. This means that in industrial sectors such as vineyards, dairy and pharmaceutical sector, as well as in the food industry, these tubes are largely represented according to the current European standards.
These tubes are particularly thin. If you use a vice, it will distort the tube. This tube cannot be repaired and becomes scrap. The orbital cutting machines from AXXAIR are distinguished by the innovative concept of concentric clamping, even permitting to repair an oval shape of a tube. .
If you use a clamping system with 4 jaws, they will be placed:
- at 0°
- at 90°
- at 180°
- and at 270°.
In this way, the tube does not suffer and it will not be weakened.
Stainless steel clamping
The concentric clamping systems from AXXAIR are equipped with basic jaws. They are fixed to columns which move close to the tube and then clamp them.
Why did we choose stainless steel for the jaws? The answer is quite simple. Any other material than stainless steel would pollute the tube after a certain time of functioning. In order to guarantee a perfect protection towards these external attacks - for instance corrosion, the protection of food or any liquid routed inside the tube – only stainless steel is largely recommended, not to say mandatory.
The basic jaws equip AXXAIR orbital cutting machines. When using AXXAIR equipment, you will have no damage or loss in productivity.
Penetration of the material without incidence: a revolution for metal clamping
This is a very important point that has been considered by the engineers of the research and development department at AXXAIR.
How can we penetrate the stainless steel tube with the orbital cutting tool in a delicate and regular way ? It is really very simple by means of a lever.
Once the tube is clamped between the jaws you just have to actuate the lever in order to enter the blade into the tube. Afterwards, the wheel is rotated by 360° degrees, in a smooth, progressive and fluid manner. In this way, the blade does not get damaged. Its lifetime is extended for about 150 to 200 cuts when using tube < 3mm wall thickness. Afterwards, the cut is continued by an engine equipped with a speed controller for a smooth and regular penetration.
So why do we say that there is no impact? In fact, the user does not have the same approach with this compounded lever and the blade does not slam into the tube but penetrates it softly.
Why orbital cutting is such a soft process?
The answer is easy to find: the rotation wheel.
A small black wheel enables a 360° rotation around the tube in a regular way. Normally it is very difficult to obtain a straight and clean cut without maintaining the tube in a very strong way.
The blade progresses in a regular way thanks to this rotation wheel. The engine handles the smooth movement of the orbital cut in an optimal way.
You have all good reasons to choose AXXAIR orbital cutting systems.
Contact our team to ask for a free demonstration of our orbital cutting machines or download our catalogues!