New AXXAIR power source SAXX-200

TIG Orbital, 200A, autoline 110V to 230V, 110A at 100% duty cycle : water cooled.


  • Latest generation orbital inverter easier to operate with full Data acquisition including the machine and purge gas real flow levels.
  • Touch screen interface for an easy use and simple programming through auto calculation based on diameter, thickness, material and head type.
  • Digital Control of two gases for purging and welding with programmable safety levels. The real flows are saved every second in the data acquisition.
  • PPM measuring can be plugged in controlling an oxygen level under which the weld will be started : insures the right coloration level.
  • Manual welding Torch can be used for tacking or small TIG welding applications
  • Printing of program and real parameters. Personal set up available.
  • Data acquisition every second on all welding parameters and presentation under WPT form through the included “Weldreport” software.
  • Saves 200 programs per USB stick and also allows software updates for an easy maintenance.
  • Standard version compatible with heads from other brands, such as AMI and Polysoude.
  • Cooling unit 700W capacity is powered by the SAXX and includes a flow survey with alarm level. (easy fit)

Exists also in 210A auto line and 300A, 380V compatible with AVC/OSC module for pipe applications.


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Innovative orbital solutions